
GMO Facilities

Sobre Nós
Sobre Nós About Us

We exist so that companies and deeply human individuals can continually grow, by leveraging their best qualities.

GMO is the facilities brand by your side—bold, intelligent, and approachable—offering opportunities for companies and individuals to grow by leveraging their strengths, especially when it's essential to avoid wasting time, focus, and energy.

Facilities Facility Management

Real people making a differance, empowering others

Facility Management

Facilities is a term used to define a type of management that ensures the functionality of an organization by managing a series of support activities to assist the core activities of a company. With Facilities, it is possible to customize any type of service a company needs to operate, beyond the main purpose (core business).

Onde nós estamos
Onde nós estamos Where we are

Wherever you need us, we'll be there

Com presença nacional, atualmente, estamos presentes nos estados de Santa Catarina (onde fica a nossa matriz), Espírito Santo, Goiás, Paraná e Pernambuco.

Nossos diferenciais What makes us unique

Made by people for people, driving business forward

We believe that it is people who make a difference in the business environment and, consequently, in the quality of your results and your happiness.

O ser humano no centro do negócio

The human being at the center of business

Atuação nas áreas portuárias e aeroportuárias

Operation in port and airport areas

Projetos de Facilities personalizados

Customization of facility management projects

Inteligência de mercado

Market intelligence

Atendimento em âmbito nacional

National-level service

Profissionais altamente capacitados

Highly trained professionals.

Certificação para operar em áreas alfandegárias Certification to operate in customs areas

We are authorized to operate in port and airport areas